Benefit of Lessons
Music study and appreciation is one of the most important and often overlooked areas of personal well-being and development. Research demonstrates that studying Music helps students find focus and expression by:
- Experiencing the joy of self-expression
- Finding and directing personal creativity
- Exercising the diverse skills of problem-solving
- Discovering the power, precision, and control of mathematics in unexpected ways
- Acquiring independence and growth through self-discipline
- Participating in team work ie. the gratification of challenges met by harmonizing with band members
- Developing the ability to understand and use symbols in new contexts

Science supports Music
There are endless scientific articles claiming the importance of hearing and playing music in our lives, and you may read some of these below:
- Adolescents Involved With Music Do Better In School; Feb. 2009
- Success in Developing Intelligence in Children; MENC 2007
- Music Therapy Info; Oct. 2009
- Music Reduces Stress in Heart Disease Patients; Apr. 2009
- Music Lessons Provide a Workout For the Brain; Mar. 2009
- Young Musicians Have Better Verbal and Pattern Recognition; Nov. 2008
- Music Training Might Be Good For The Heart; Oct. 2005
- Looking For The Origins of Music In The Brain; Oct. ’09
- Guitarists’ Brains Swing Together; Mar. 2009
- Simply Listening to Music Affects Musicality; Aug. ’08
- Language of Music Really Is Universal; Mar. ’09
- Baroque Music in the Reading Room May Improve Mood and Productivity; Apr. 2009